
Boost Your Mental Health: Discover Benefits Of Yoga

Boost Your Mental Health: Discover Benefits Of Yoga

In this fast-paced world, people are so engrossed in climbing up the stairs of success that mental well-being takes the brunt of it. Yoga is one such practice that has proved to be effective in a holistic approach to health and boosts your mental health.

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The Impact of Rich Nutritious Food On Mental Health

The Impact of Rich Nutritious Food On Mental Health

Happy? Excited? Sad? Depressed? Any emotions we experience, food is the comfort we turn to. It is a well-known fact that what we eat affects our physical appearance.

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Benefits of exercises in slowing down the symptoms of parkinsons

Benefits of exercises in slowing down the symptoms of parkinsons

Parkinson's hit my husband 12 years ago, in 2010, with a seemingly harmless shake of the right-hand thumb. Little did we realise how it was going to throw our lives upside down in the coming years.

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Unveil The Effects Of Depression On Physical Fitness

Unveil The Effects Of Depression On Physical Fitness

In our daily life, we do many things that involve our brain, bones, and muscles. Our muscles contract and relax to let us move our hands, legs, and do activities.

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7+ Easy Ways To Get Muscle Pain Relief

7+ Easy Ways To Get Muscle Pain Relief

As soon as you start working out, you tend to get irregular in your workouts and eventually stop exercising. Have you observed why? One of the reasons for being irregular is the pain you experience after working out.

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Fitness At 40: A Guide To Staying Healthy In Your Forties

Fitness At 40: A Guide To Staying Healthy In Your Forties

Entering your forties is a pivotal journey in your lifespan where you tend to become more resilient and work towards health goals. This is when females enter their pre-menopausal stage and men suffer from mid-life fitness issues.

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The Best Back Strengthening Exercises: From Beginners To Advanced

The Best Back Strengthening Exercises: From Beginners To Advanced

Picking up something from the ground or bending is such a common activity in everybody's life. But, imagine you have to think twice before you bend. The discomfort, pain and constant stiffness get on the nerves and daily activities also seem like a difficult task.

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Kickboxing Benefits For Body & Mind: Exploring The Science Behind It

Kickboxing Benefits For Body & Mind: Exploring The Science Behind It

Kickboxing practices are ancient practices that were followed even back in the 16th century. Kickboxing is a combination of combat and martial arts that involves punching, kicking, and very strong footwork.

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12 Workout Motivation Tips That Will Trick Your Brain Into Forming an Exercise Habit!

12 Workout Motivation Tips That Will Trick Your Brain Into Forming an Exercise Habit!

Regular exercise can counter the effects of a sedentary lifestyle, keeping you fit, flexible, and healthy. Yet, the temptation of procrastination often delays the initiation of workouts.

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How Can Muscle Rehabilitation Therapy Improve Muscle Function?

How Can Muscle Rehabilitation Therapy Improve Muscle Function?

In our daily life, we do many things that involve our brain, bones, and muscles. Our muscles contract and relax to let us move our hands, legs, and do activities.

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