• Muscle-Rehabilitation

  • Gym Management & Gym Setup

  • Yoga / Power Yoga

  • Kickboxing

  • Corporate Fitness Training Program

  • Diet and Nutrition

  • Weight Loss Training

Sudam Shelar - A Personal Fitness Trainer in Mumbai

As a personal fitness trainer, I offer a wide range of health, fitness, and training services all over Mumbai. I am a certified fitness trainer and offer services that include but are not limited to Personal Training, Power Yoga, Muscle Rehabilitation, and Kick Boxing. I also offer Diet & Nutrition advice and can help you chart customized nutrition & diet plans based on your fitness goal.

People desire workouts that are compelling and effective. However, the best ones are those that are custom-made. With my expertise and years of experience in personal fitness training, I offer quality personal training in Mumbai for all. Every aspect of my personal fitness training program is specially made to suit your health and capacity. Whatever your vocation and age, ailments or limitations, I will help you to overcome all constraints with a customized personal fitness plan.

Also, no matter what your requirements are – be it a personal fitness trainer at home or a personal gym trainer for beginners, etc, you can count on me to provide you with the required guidance under excellent supervision. So, do get in touch with me if you are searching for the best personal trainer near me in the surrounding locales of Mumbai!

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Why Do You Need A Personal Fitness Trainer?

Mumbai is a city that never sleeps and with the hectic lifestyle that we live in today, it has become quite a norm for individuals to adopt a laid-back attitude when it comes to their own health & fitness. This lack of concern with regards to their own health can cause great harm in the future. As such, by hiring a personal trainer in Mumbai, you would be able to not only keep your physical fitness at optimal but you would also be able to restore vitality to your overall emotional and psychological well-being.

From helping you make important lifestyle changes to helping you develop core strength and flexibility, a personal fitness trainer can help you achieve your fitness goals and much much more. He will also help you organize your fitness schedule ensuring that you are committed to your training and workouts, thus paving the way for a healthier lifestyle.

Benefits of Hiring a Personal Fitness Trainer In Mumbai

The best benefit of hiring a personal trainer is that he will help chart out a workout plan that is suitable for your fitness needs and requirements. This will ensure you are not forced into a typical exercise mold that you are uncomfortable with or find difficult to perform.

The reasons why individuals avail of personal fitness training are many such as for athletic purposes, to lose weight or simply because they are unsure as to which is the best workouts that can help them get started. Thus, here are a few benefits that you can obtain by hiring the services of a personal fitness trainer in Mumbai.

  • A personal trainer will help you set realistic goals that are easy to achieve.
  • He will introduce you to new challenges that will help keep you motivated.
  • As a certified fitness trainer, he will help reduce the risk of injuries.
  • He will ensure that you are committed to your fitness goals, irrespective of the busy schedule.
  • He will help you achieve faster results through personalized workout plans and diet and nutrition advice that are suitable for you.

Best Fitness Trainer Offering a Comprehensive Personal Training at Home in Mumbai

The services of personal training in Mumbai that I provide include professional advice on maximizing your abilities which will help you get the physical fitness you desire. With every fitness plan, I intend to make you healthier and more robust. Every schedule is targeted at motivating you to do better, encouraging you to attain a fit physique, the right way.

The personal fitness training offered by me also includes a customized personal fitness program that focuses not only on the physical aspect but also nutrition and diet, thus ensuring a comprehensive fitness boost. As a reputable personal fitness trainer in Mumbai, I offer you a wide variety of health and fitness services such as weight training, kickboxing, power yoga and diet and nutrition advice and more.

My comprehensive personal fitness training services can be availed by those searching for a personal trainer in Andheri, Goregaon, Lokhandwala, Versova, Vile Parle, Juhu, Santacruz, Bandra, Pawai, and other areas of Mumbai.

Thus, if you are looking for a personal trainer then do write in at [email protected] to know more about the personal fitness training program I offer or contact me to book an appointment!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Who Can You Train?
As a personal trainer, I can train both males and females, irrespective of their age. You can schedule an appointment for a consultation. Here, we’ll discuss your fitness goals, prior training, health restrictions (if any), among others. This will help me design a fitness training program that is tailored to suit your needs.

Are You a Qualified Personal Trainer?
Yes, I am. Apart from completing a course in Functional Training, I am also a certified personal trainer in Power Yoga, Sujok Therapy, etc. To know more about my qualifications, you can click here.

What Types of Training Do You Offer?

I am a skilled fitness trainer offering the following types of fitness training. Each training service is personalised to suit individual requirements. This ensures greater results in a short period.

What Days &Times Can I Book In? How Often Do I Have To Train In a Week?

My official business timing is from 9 AM to 9 PM from Monday to Friday. However, we can schedule days & timing of training based on your preference/availability. How often do you have to train in a week would depend on your fitness goals and the amount of time you can dedicate each week for training.

I Can’t Make The Same Session Each Week – Are You Flexible On Times?

Yes, I am. On prior intimation, we can schedule the training session on a different time/day. So, you don’t have to worry about making it to the training session at the same time each week.

I’ve Struggled With My Weight For a Long Time, How can you Help?

The weight loss fitness training program designed by me is tailored to suit individual needs. I don’t follow a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to weight loss training. To this end, during our initial consultation, we’ll discuss your goals & objectives as well as limitation. I’ll also evaluate your general health, diet, and lifestyle, and suggest changes.

In short, I’ll not only chart a weight loss workout plan for you, but also plan a well-balanced nutritional diet that helps you maintain a healthy weight.

Why Should I Hire A Personal Trainer When I Can Do It By Myself?

As a personal fitness trainer, I can help you achieve your fitness goals quicker sans any injury. If you are training on your own, you are bound to use conventional fitness techniques that might not yield any results. I, on the other hand, can help you plan a personalized workout regime that is suited for your needs, taking into consideration your current health, diet, limitations, and lifestyle.

Also, consistency is important when trying to achieve fitness goals. If you are not training consistently, or skip sessions for a long period, you’ll be back to square one. Meaning, your time and efforts are wasted. However, as a fitness trainer, I will not only keep you motivated but also make you more accountable. This will ensure greater results in less time.

How quickly will I see the results of my training?

Much depends on what your fitness goals are. Is it losing weight or building muscles? A workout routine benefits both the body & mind and the results can be seen gradually over a period of time. Also, various factors like diet, the intensity of the workout, etc can influence the training result.

Do I need to purchase expensive equipment or have an exercise room to train at home?

Not at all. Numerous exercises are available to do at home or outdoors using your body weight and gravity. To know more, read the best at-home exercises for men and women.

As a trainer, will you put me on a diet?

Diet and nutrition is an important part of training. Depending on your fitness goals, I will offer diet and nutrition advice along with personal fitness training.

Does maintaining physical fitness require major lifestyle changes?

Not really. Some lifestyle changes are required to maintain physical fitness, with consistency being the key. However, physical training is a process that starts with baby steps until you achieve your goal.

No pain, no gain is a workout myth?

Yes, it is a myth. There are times when certain aches and pains should not be ignored as they could lead to serious problems in the future instead of gains.

As a personal trainer, how will you know what program is right for me?

Before planning the right exercise program, I usually ask some questions, starting from what are his/her requirements.

Every person has a different body type. So, I check for health issues and fitness goals. I ask for blood groups, fitness and medical issues, family medical issues, past history & lifestyle, etc.

If required I'll ask for body fat percentage, BMR, BMI, VFA and blood test reports. I also check the individual's flexibility, mobility, muscle strength, cardiovascular strength and daily food habits. Based on this comprehensive evaluation, I create a custom exercise and nutrition plan.

What results can I expect?

This depends on your fitness goals. Generally, through personal training, you can lose weight, build muscles, increase stamina and improve your overall general & cognitive health.

If I have an injury, can I still get a plan built for me?

I provide effective one-on-one physical therapy for successful muscle rehabilitation. Muscle rehabilitation means restoring a muscle to its normal functioning after an injury. For it to be effective, I combine muscle strengthening regimes with muscle flexibility exercises. The duration of muscle rehabilitation depends on the nature of the injury.

Looking For A Personal Fitness Trainer in Mumbai? Call Me Now on +91 98706 36408 orWhatsApp!