
What’s more convenient: Joining a gym or hiring a personal fitness instructor?

What’s more convenient: Joining a gym or hiring a personal fitness instructor?

Life has become a rat race where everyone is competing to have a good standard of living. In this race, people are losing their health. People are so busy making money that they don’t have time to look after their health. Slowly an individual becomes sedentary and falls prey to lifestyle-related illnesses.

It is a wake-up call for everyone to take care of themselves and work towards a healthy life. All the comfort and fame will be of no use, if one is not healthy enough to enjoy the luxury. An hour of exercise, along with clean eating will make a huge difference in your health. You can always start exercising at any point in time. There is no age or gender restriction for exercising. You can always join a gym for health and mental wellness or hire a fitness trainer at home according to your convenience for the same benefits. Let us discuss the positives and negatives of both options and find a solution.

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A] Joining a gym:

Joining a Gym


    • Everything under one roof: When you join a gym, it is fully equipped to cater to your needs. You will find all the required equipments for cardio, strength, or weight training. Gyms also have the facility of providing a certified gym trainer for fitness training and a dietician.
    • Faster results: Working out with the help of machines increases the intensity of the workout. High-intensity exercises help to lose weight or build muscle faster.


    • Irregularity: The big task is to wake up early in the morning or visit after the office to the gym. You need the dedication to continue with the gym workout. Missing even a single day might make you lazy and skip the next several days. Consistency in visiting gyms is challenging.
    • Muscle soreness: If it is your first time going to the gym, you might experience soreness in your muscles. Over-exercising may also lead to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles leading to soreness in the body.
    • Prone to injuries: If you are new to exercising in a gym, you need proper guidance for using the equipment. Without a guided gym equipment workout you might be more prone to injuries. Muscular or ligament injuries take time to heal. You will need to take a break from the gym if the injury is severe.
    • Procrastination: It is common for people to have a new year’s resolution that they will start exercising from next week or next month. But they keep on delaying joining the gym, citing one or the other reason. Days will pass, but people will not join the gym or keep avoiding joining the gym.
    • Time constraints: People have busy schedules. The whole day they are running around to get their work done. They have to struggle to make time to go to the gym.

B] Working out at home

Working Out At Home


    • Flexible time: You can work out whenever you get time or adjust your schedule according to the time available. You save on the time required to travel to the gym and return home. You can use that extra time for other chores.
    • Comfort: You will give your best when the atmosphere is comfortable. What is best than your own home? With the comfort of home, there is no pressure of anybody judging or competing with you. You become your inspiration and competition, which gives the best results.
    • Regularity: You don’t need to travel to other places to exercise. This makes exercising a lot easier. You can stick to your daily routine without any guilt. Working out at home becomes consistent and regular.
    • Boosts confidence: Gyms have a mixed crowd, an over enthusiast, a newcomer, an introvert, or an extrovert. It becomes challenging for an introvert to gel in a mixed crowd. This might lead to low confidence. Even women might be shy or get discouraged to exercise in front of men. Exercising at home helps to boost confidence, as the people around you are your own, who will not judge you. Those people will help to motivate you and achieve your goal.


    • No set workout protocol: At home, there is no fixed schedule. There is no set workout protocol that you follow. It is more like, you exercise the way you feel like. There is not much discipline. You are biased with the comfort which you get at home and the exercises you favour.
    • No guidance: Most of the time, the inspiration for exercising at home is the online videos or your past gym experience. You are not sure if what you are doing is correct. There are chances of doing something beyond your capacity or doing it wrong, which might lead to some injury. It is thus, important to take guidance from a certified personal trainer. The personal fitness instructor will visit your place at your convenient time, guide you for the required workout and help you achieve your goals.

What happens when you work with a personal trainer/ Importance of a personal trainer?

    • Personal attention: The fitness professional will be there exclusively for you. In gyms, the trainer’s attention gets divided amongst the number of people present. There might be a maximum time when the trainer is unaware of your activities. You become more prone to injuries. But if you hire a personal trainer, you get undivided attention. The trainer will be present from the warm-up session till the cool-down session. The personal trainer makes sure you do not skip any workout sessions.
    • Knows the client’s medical history: Working out on a one-to-one basis, makes it easy for the trainer to know your health details and medical history. The trainer can set the exercise protocol keeping in mind your body condition and any co-morbidity. This makes achieving your goal very easy, without any injuries or delay.
    • Sets realistic goals: The personal trainer is aware of your strengths and weaknesses. His fitness coaching works towards improvising your weaknesses and using your strengths to achieve your goals. Your trainer will never set goals which will be difficult for you to achieve. He will always set realistic goals that will motivate you to reach your goal, boost confidence and have a feel-good factor.
    • Becomes a workout buddy: It is always very relaxing when you exercise with a buddy or with a known group. It works on a psychological level when you have good company. It helps to remain consistent and there is always someone to push you towards your goal.
    • Constant motivation: There will be days when you will lose hope in yourself or you will not feel like exercising. Your trainer will motivate you to exercise, and not judge you or look down upon you. He will constantly motivate you to achieve your set target. He will keep pushing you till you reach your goal.
    • Makes working out fun: Working out alone can be boring at times. It becomes monotonous to perform the same set of exercises. But, your trainer will always introduce some props or exercise equipment at home to add fun to your daily workout to maintain your interest level.
    • Fewer injuries: The certified personal trainer knows all the correct techniques for exercises. Following your trainer’s instructions will help you to avoid any exercise-related injuries.
    • Individualized workout and diet plans: With individual attention, there is a custom workout plan and a specialised diet exclusively catering to your needs. The diet plans are designed keeping in mind your lifestyle, requirements, health condition and convenience.
    • Longlasting results: Crash dieting or intense workout will give results for that particular time, but will again bounce back to the earlier body once it is stopped. The personal trainer will set achievable goals. The small targets make it easy to remain consistent and the results are long-lasting.
    • Provides easy tips to work out: Each individual is different. Everyone has a different capacity for exercise. The personal trainer will provide simple tips to work out at home and make your workouts easy, fun, and manageable.


Being active is most important in today’s lifestyle. Take fitness sessions for weight loss, maintain good health and keep yourself mentally fit. Working out at home under the supervision of a certified personal health coach is an alternative that you can opt for a better living and healthy life.

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